

Weekly Roundup: News and Resources on ADHD 3/26-4/1/11

Old armory building gives chance to students with learning challenges
Washington Post
An independent school that focuses on helping 9th- to 12th-graders who have ADHD, dyslexia and other learning challenges, WRUS currently rents space at Chesapeake College and purchased the armory in November for about $475000. In addition to providing ...

FDA to Review Link Between Food Colors, ADHD in Kids
Food Product Design
WASHINGTON—The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Food Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting March 30-31, 2011, to determine if there is sufficient evidence to establish an association between the consumption of synthetic color additives ... [editor's note: see follow-up from CHADD down the page in the BLOGS section]

Myths, Misconceptions, and Stigma Tied to ADHD
MSN Health & Fitness
ADHD is a medical disorder, not a condition of the child's will. A child with ADHD does not choose to misbehave. ADHD is caused by bad parenting. All the child needs is good discipline. ADHD is not caused by bad parenting. But parenting techniques can ...

Top 10 Articles of the Month on
Struggling With Defiant Behavior?
 What can caregivers do to help children who have difficulty regulating their emotions? An end to outbursts.»
The Right Carbs, Fats, Proteins, and More
If the right nutrients aren't accessible to the ADHD brain, its circuits misfire. Symptom-smart ways to fuel up!»
Harness Your Inner Executive
We've devised dozens of accommodations to help you surmount nearly any obstacle on the job.»
Readers' Best Tips for Getting Organized
The ADD adult's guide to getting more done, getting more put away, never losing your keys again, and more!»
Top Brain-Boosting Foods
Ten foods, supplements, and herbs that can help both adults and children with attention deficit. What are your kitchen must-haves?»
Supersize Your Child's Appetite
Fajitas for breakfast? Cereal for dinner? Why not? Why breaking from conventional nutrition wisdom may help you nourish your child.»
Top ADHD Relationship Problems...And Solutions!
It takes two to play the blame game. What ADHD and non-ADHD partners can do to save a long-term relationship.»
ADHD Adults: Your Partner Wishes You Would...
We asked readers what they would most like their ADHD partners to understand or do. Read their responses and share your own.»
Breakfasts That Boost ADHD Students' Success
Improve academic scores and reduce depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and inattention with these meals.»
Organization Skills Your Child Needs to Succeed at School!
Help your child master these concepts to thrive in the classroom.»

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Are you confused by ingredient lists, nutrition labels, health claims and marketing hype? Fooducate is here to help. Managed by a team of parents, dietitians, and techies, they realize that at the supermarket you have very little time to analyze food labels and extract the information that is important to you. They help you make better choices for you and your family.
There's the Fooducate iPhone app to:
  • Automatically scan a product barcode
  • See product highlights (both good & bad)
  • Compare products
  • Select better alternatives
  • Dig deeper and learn more about food and nutrition
"... Fooducate is like taking your own personal dietitian to the supermarket..."

Fooducate analyzes information found in each product's nutrition panel and ingredient list.
You get to see the stuff manufacturers don't want you to notice, such as
  • excessive sugar
  • tricky trans fats
  • additives and preservatives
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • controversial food colorings
  • and more...
Just pick up a product from the shelf, scan it, and let Fooducate do the rest.

And follow their informative blog:
Follow Fooducate on Facebook and Twitter.

Over the last several days, the US Food and Drug Administration convened a meeting to examine the scientific evidence on artificial food dyes and make recommendations in response to a petition from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a food advocacy group opposed to the use of artificial food dyes in the food supply chain. One of the major questions before the FDA’s Food Advisory Committee was the effect of food dyes on all children, not just those with ADHD. This is the distinction many journalists missed in reporting on the meeting. I listened to the presentations by a number of scientists, including Dr. Gene Arnold (CHADD’s representative), and I want to share the discussion and conclusions of the FDA committee ...
Follow CHADD on Facebook.

A Fantastic Artistic and Creative Exercise for ADHD thrivers (blog)
It truly seems to be a project that was made for me and my ADHD. I get a bunch of magazines, sift through them cutting out things that speak to me and what I want to create in life. This can be words, expressions, looks, colors, places, friends, ...
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Is ADHD caused by diet?
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
ADHD is, like autism, an ever-expanding diagnosis; it has been applied to 5 million American children. A team of Dutch researchers decided to see if our modern diet was part of the problem. They took 100 unmedicated children who had been diagnosed with ...

What have you discovered this week that you'd like to share?