

reader's story: Stacey

an interview with: 
ADHD child(ren):
NON-ADHD child(ren):

Who are you?
I'm a working Mom. My childhood was great, I got A's in grade school.

Describe your ADHD child using only ONE word: beautiful

What about your life makes your ADHD story uniquely yours?   
My daughter was just diagnosed with ADHD. The doctor said that she is a very intelligent child and scored high on her I.Q. test, but her working memory is the lowest she had ever seen. I'm looking for support, advice, and just other moms who could actually tell me everythings is going to be fine :-)

How did your ADHD child come to be diagnosed? 
It started when she was not doing well in school. Her teacher kept pressuring me to let the school test her, but I didn't trust it, because I only see her at her best at home.

What are your ADHD child’s strengths/gifts/talents? Weaknesses? Obsessions? 
Her strengths are spelling and communicating. Her weakness is her working memory.

What sports or extra-curricular activities does your child participate in successfully?
She just got into ballet. She's been in it now for about two months and she was catching on in class the first class.

What strategies do you employ to cope with ADHD? 
I don't know. I think that's why I'm taking it so hard. She was just diagnosed four days ago [that was March 2011], and we go to her pediatrician soon.

If you could give one piece of advice to a parent of an ADHD child just diagnosed, what would it be?
I am that parent.

If you could have a free 60-second spot on a public broadcast station, what would you share, show, say? 
I'm not sure yet.

Does your child take medication to manage their ADHD? Is so, what medication and at what dosage? How does it work for them? What side effects do you see?
She starts soon, which has scared me to death. Until I went to church this morning and got reassured that God is going to take care of everything.

Does your child attend public school or a special school? Does he or she have an IEP or a 504 Plan? What kind of accommodations do they receive? 
She's in public school.

What else would you like to share with other parents on this similar journey? 
Support. Support. Support

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