Stephanie Dunkley
ADHD child(ren):
Kyra, age 10, 4th grade
NON-ADHD child(ren):
Tanner, age 15, 9th grade
Who are you?
Describe your ADHD child using only ONE word: funny
What about your life makes your ADHD story uniquely yours?
How did your ADHD child come to be diagnosed?
When Kyra was in kindergarten we were at a parent/teacher conference and the teacher told us that she had nick-named her Tigger. She had this name because she seemed to 'bounce' all over the place. My husband and I weren't exactly sure how to take that information, but I talked to her pediatrician and we started the evaluation process.
What are your ADHD child’s strengths/gifts/talents? Weaknesses? Obsessions?
What are your ADHD child’s strengths/gifts/talents? Weaknesses? Obsessions?
Kyra is VERY outgoing. I've often joked that all you have to do is smile at her and she is your best friend for life. She's very naive too (which could be a strength or a weakness). The kids tend to tease her because she's not as socially mature as the rest of her class, so being naive is helpful in that situation. She's very funny, the things that she comes up with sometimes keep us laughing A LOT. Her biggest weaknesses are her mood swings and her impulsive behavior. Those two things keep our family on edge.
She is participating in cheer and she takes piano. She has a tendancy to want to participate in something really badly and then will only go a few times and want to quit. These two things she has stuck with though. There are weeks that it is a HUGE fight to get her to go to either thing though.
What sports or extra-curricular activities does your child participate in successfully?
If you could give one piece of advice to a parent of an ADHD child just diagnosed, what would it be?
If you could have a free 60-second spot on a public broadcast station, what would you share, show, say?
Does your child take medication to manage their ADHD? Is so, what medication and at what dosage? How does it work for them? What side effects do you see?
Does your child attend public school or a special school? Does he or she have an IEP or a 504 Plan? What kind of accommodations do they receive?
What else would you like to share with other parents on this similar journey?
I would just hope that parents realize that they aren't alone. I can't begin to count how many of my friends have said that they feel so alone. It's nice to have websites like this where you can feel safe and validated and realize that you aren't alone in this journey.
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