March 5-11, 2011
Country Artist, Zac Brown, Creates a Whole New Kind of Camping
Zac Brown is the guy behind the new Camp Southern Ground, a camp for kids with neurobehavioral and learning difficulties such as ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. It's going to be on 360 acres in the farmlands of Georgia. The camp will be FREE.
ADHD: Attention Doesn't Half Describe It, Psychology Today
To guide families onto a better path, we need to stop debating the existence of ADHD and instead clear up misconceptions about it. When parents or teachers lose track of the fact that ADHD is a neurologically based deficit, kids get blamed for behaviors and choices not fully in their control. Understanding the neurology of ADHD...
Rates of Parent-Reported ADHD Increasing, CDC
This study found that the rate of parent-reported ADHD diagnosis among children 4-17 years of age increased by 22% between 2003 and 2007, from 7.8% to 9.5%. It also noted that the patterns of parent-reported ADHD diagnosis are changing in the United States.
Are Adults with ADHD More Creative? Study Says Yes
Shah said that while they knew people with ADHD did better in the lab with divergent thinking, they were not at all sure if that would translate to real-life achievement. “The current study suggests that it does,” Shah said.
Divergent thinking involves generating several possible solutions to a problem. Some people can only see a straight path or a single route to a solution or goal, people with ADHD, however, often see lots of different ways to get to the same point...
Nuance is the company behind the industry standard dictation, scanning, and pdf converting and organizing software, like Dragon Dictation and PDF Converter. I use PDF Converter to scan all Luke's worksheets that come home and change them to forms he can complete on the computer (with one click). In looking to purchase a couple of their programs this week, I discovered you can purchase directly from them through and pay half price! I speedily ordered two titles to take full advantage. As of this morning, they are still half price on Amazon.
a "digital book series for special kids"
THE CREATORS...Award-winning writer Pamela Sloane-Bradbury wrote these books to help her son, Oscar, who has developmental disabilities, come to terms with his differences from other children and to learn to accept and love his unique spirit. Veteran cartoonist Allison Garwood has two strips, NEUROTICA and Haiku Ewe in web syndication on them on Facebook, Twitter, or follow Pamela's blog.
Those of us who are neurotypical parents often wonder what it's like inside the heads of our children with ADHD. Frank South will give you a glimpse in his excerpts of his one-man show, "Pay Attention, ADHD in Hollywood, on the Rocks, with a Twist," recorder live at Santa Monica Playhouse, June 7, 2009. Humorous, heartbreaking, and honest.
Follow Frank on Twitter and his ADHD Dad blog, "Better Late than Never," for
She has a section on ADHD as well as information on various learning disabilities.
A therapist's view on reaching milestones and what it may mean when children don't. She has a section devoted to ADHD. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube as well.
WEGO Health
Amy K spends a lot of time gathering information on ADHD and compiling it on WEGO Health. Here are some of my favorites from Amy's 'lists:"
Top 10 ADHD Tweeters to FollowFollow Amy on Twitter as well.
What have you discovered recently that you'd like to share?