

Weekly Roundup: News and Resources on ADHD 3/12-3/18/11

First today, I need to announce the winners of our Essay Talent Search! Drumroll, please...

In single-parenting: Annette blew us away with her piece, "Another of Life's Little Lessons," posted on her blog, Life in the ADHD Lane.

For parenting a teen with ADHD: Lyn describes her frustrations not only with parenting a teen with ADHD, but also with being a single mom in "Single and Looking for Sanity in those Teen Years," posted on her blog, Life and ADHD.

It will be a few weeks before we have these ladies' voices added to the blog, but you will enjoy their insights very soon. Stay tuned...

Elimination Diets for ADHD Not Ready for Primetime from CHADD
The news has been full of reports of the INCA study, including the following conclusion on National Public Radio from the lead author, Lidy Pelsser, MSc: “64 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD are actually experiencing a hypersensitivity to food.” CHADD experts have looked at the study published in The Lancet. Without a great deal more research that supports the findings of this study, we would urge people to slow down and not jump to... READ MORE

Youngsters with ADHD Adversely Affected by Sleep Loss
A new study in the March 1 issue of the journal SLEEPindicates that the ability of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to remain vigilant and attentive deteriorated significantly after losing less than one hour of nightly sleep for a week. The study suggests that even moderate reductions in sleep duration can affect neurobehavioral functioning... READ MORE

Supernus Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Results From Phase IIa Clinical Trial For SPN-812 In Adults With ADHD
SPN-812 is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that Supernus believes could be more effective and have a better side effect profile than other non-stimulant treatments for ADHD due to its different pharmacological profile. The active ingredient in SPN-812 has an extensive safety record in Europe... READ MORE

If he'd only stolen my heart
I was busy this past weekend googling boarding schools and military academies. MJ thought I was joking until the recruiter from Missouri Military Academy called. Unfortunately the school doesn't start until sixth grade, so E still has a few more years until he’s eligible. E has always been impulsive—it goes along with his ADHD diagnosis... READ MORE

Positive Ways to Deal with an ADHD Child
Parenting is difficult, and may become even more frustrating when your child has ADHD. Remember, it's a genetic disorder and not your fault or your kid's. TheMedGuru guides you on ways to deal positively with an ADHD child. READ MORE

ADHD Hampers Communication
Most of us associate ADHD with an inability to focus or sit still. But the disorder can also have a severe impact on communication skills. READ MORE

Resolving Special Ed Disputes
When schools fail to provide the services parents believe their child needs, a due process hearing—a formal, contested, adversarial trial—is the ultimate route provided by law to resolve disputes. But litigation via due process is not the best way to resolve disputes... READ MORE

Future Schools
This lab—and the larger plan for the school surrounding it—has probably done more than any other single place to create the market for “hybrid schools.” Such schools combine “face-to-face” education in a specific place (what used to be called “school”) with online instruction. (Rocketship... READ MORE

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Social Skills Central
If you know kids who have problems with their social skills, you’ve come to the right place.Whether the kids you know have typical problems like shyness or dealing with bullying, or they have atypical problems, like the ones experienced by children on the Autism spectrum, we have hundreds of ways to help you help the kids you care about. This is a membership site but you can try it for a month for FREE!
Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.


b-Calm, I learned, is an “audio sedation” system. b-Calm sounds, delivered via headphones, help kids with ADD/ADHD or autism screen out sounds that cause distraction or stress. Enter by March 31 to win your own b-calm!... Follow Kay on Twitter.

Ritalin Saved My Mind: A Mom's Story
I sat down to work. I got up to get a glass of water. I remembered an important bill I needed to pay, and logged into my bank’s website to pay it. Before I’d finished that task, I’d gotten distracted by a book I’ve been meaning to review, sitting on my desk. Less than a chapter into the book, I IM’d a friend with a question about plans for this weekend. And so it went... Follow strollerderby on Facebook and Twitter.

How to Run a Family Meeting: Calming Emotional Chaos
Family life is busy. There is grocery shopping, banking, housekeeping, child-caring, school volunteering. Now add to this list, the emotional chaos resulting from unmanaged ADHD- damaged sibling relationships, stressed parent disagreements. Family meetings can begin the process of getting ADHD behaviors under control in your house... Follow Power Moms Unite on Facebook and Twitter.

What have you discovered this week that you'd like to share?